The Only Green Smoothie You'll Ever Need

As a naturopathic gut expert, I know how powerful green smoothies can be at boosting your daily nutrition.
They can be made to whatever flavour profile you crave (or to be honest, whatever it left over in the fridge sometimes).
I want to share with you my go-to formula for a green smoothie that turns out yummy and nourishing, not like you are eating grass!
I'm all for putting your own twist to things, so I wanted to give you a handy formula to work within.
The Formula to The Perfect Green Smoothie
Majority greens. For example: bok choy, pak choy, zucchini, cucumber, spinach, parsley, mint, Coriander, kale, silverbeet, chard, snow peas.
+ 1 piece of fruit (maximum)
+ Water-based liquid
+ Nuts, Seeds, Avocado, or Protein powder
+ Extra goodies like cacao powder or mushroom powders etc

Serves 1
- 5cm chunk Lebanese cucumber
- 1/2 C baby spinach leaves
- 1/4 avocado
- 1/2 a cheek of mango
- 1 scoop bloat friendly protein powder
- 1 scoop unflavoured collagen powder (optional)
- 2cm knob of ginger
- 1/4 C coconut kefir
- 1/2 C room temperature water